Ready to work with me?
Here are your options:
1. Join me inside Irresistible Mind™, where you'll follow a customized curriculum to craft and install an identity based on your unique energetics. Opens 2x/year.
2. Join our six-week momentum-builder STAND, where you'll interact with a small group of women to take a daily step toward your next level life.
3. Subscribe to MEMO, an on-demand audio experience delivered via private podcast feed, designed to shift your beliefs about who you are, and what you're capable of. All you have to do is sit back and listen.
About Laura
I'm fascinated with how the brain and mind work.
I have a masters of science in communication disorders and my clinical expertise is focused on how human cognition, neurodevelopment and neural mapping impact language development.
In my work, I have seen firsthand - countless times - how the brain either eagerly explores or outright ignores various stimuli. The same thing is true for you and I.
The words, messaging and stories we tell ourselves activate automatic responses in the brain.
When you learn to talk to your mind in a language it finds interesting, you’ll meet your ultimate BFF: faithful, loyal, and always has your back.
I'm on a mission to help women learn how to partner with their minds to make their 'pinch me now' life not only achievable, but wildly satisfying and sustainable.